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I wanna leave my footsteps on the sands of time.
Know there was something that I left behind.
When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won't forget
I was here.......
I lived, I loved
I did, I've done, everything that I wanted and it was more than what I thought it would be.
I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here.
I want to say I've lived each day, until I died.
That I had something in somebody's life.
The hearts I've touched, will be the proof that I leave.
That I made a difference and this world will see.....I was here.
I just want them to know that I gave my all, did my best brought someone to happiness.
Left this world a little better just because I was here.
Lyrics of Beyonce "I was here"

The lyrics of this song got my heart so much that I had to do some pondering over it during one of my "sleepless nights". We all hope to do something worthwhile with our lives, do something great and positive that we would be remembered for, make impacts in people's lives, but is this possible? You ask yourself.

With all the mistakes I've made, the people I've hurt, but the real thing is, did you perhaps learnt something from from the mistakes? Do you wish you have another chance to bring smile to does faces that you've caused pains? YES you can. 
To be continued, have a good night rest!!!


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