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So I sit to ponder on what the future holds for me even after rounding up my Degree Program. I sit to imagine what the next step will be. I sit to think of where am coming from, where I am and where am heading to. I sit to think of what determines my future, and I realized that;
  • My past doesn't determine my future.
  • My background doesn't determine my future.
  • My academic achievements doesn't determine my future.
  • My friends neither the company I keep determines my future.
  • My social life doesn't determine my future.
  • Situations that arises both in the past , and present doesn't determine my future
  • My worldly possessions and achievements doesn't determine my future.
  • My beauty nor brain does not determine my future.
  • Fame and wealth does not and will never determine my future.
  • What people say or what will people say does not determine my future.
So then I thought, what really determines my future? And then I realized that;
  • My future is determined by the abundant Grace I enjoy from the All-Sufficient. 2Cor 12:9
  • My future is determined strongly on His word. Josh 1:8
  • My future is determined by the prayers and supplications I render. Phil 4:6
  • My future is based on His definite plan and purpose for my life. Provs 19:20-21
  • My future is determined by the Architect of my life.
  • My future is laid strong on a solid rock. Psalms 62:6-5
  • My future is determined by God in three persons. 1Cor 8:6
  • My future is determined on the Trust I have in Him. Provs 3:5-6
  • My future is determined by His Love for me. Lamen 3:21-23
  • My future is based on the Instructions and Counsel of the Almighty. Psalms 37:37, Provs 19:20
  • Most of all my future is determined by the Omniscient. Psalms 139:1-4

In all, even though am not certain about my future but I know the ONE who holds my future. And in Him I rest. Beloved, things might not be going your way, your plans might be looking shaky and as if it's never going to be fulfilled, times might be hard for you, all hope might have been lost but I leave you with one word FAITH!  Build up your faith in the author and the finisher of your life, be positive and things will change for the better in the long run. Hold on to faith.

Your comments, suggestions and questions are welcomed!!!


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