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I was thinking, should I go ahead with this plan? How far can I go? Is it worth it? etc.... With lots of support from a dear friend I decided to push forward my skill in writing, more so because I find it easier to put my emotions in paper or perhaps keep quiet about it than telling anyone,,, Strange? Nah,,,, some people are just like that.
I was thinking of what my first write-up should be and I was able to come up with this after all, I titled it "DISCOVERING YOURSELF".
To discover yourself, you need to learn about yourself first. You need to find your real self. this allow you to become self sufficient and be independent. Discovering yourself is not easy but it's worth it. Are you ready? Let's learn some things!

  1. CREATE YOUR PERSONAL TIMELINE: What this means is, try to write down all your major goals that you feel you want to achieve and you have to achieve. Also write down the events in your life that have affected you in one way or the other (negatively & positively). when life brings problems or misfortunes, it shapes our general belief about life. Also, these are the major things that make us who we are.
  2. DISTINGUISH YOUR THOUGHTS FROM THAT OF OTHERS: You are unique in your own way,  and everyone have different struggles to deal with. Some people are born with silver spoon, some with plastic spoon, others with wooden spoon and some with no spoon at all. Believe me, the struggles of these four people differs a great deal, their perspectives about life differs, therefore distinguish yourself and don't ever compare yourself with anyone.
  3. START RELYING ON YOURSELF: "Confidence" this is the act of having a sense of self-worth. You don't have to do what others tell you to do because you feel their standard is higher than yours and they know better than you. Who says you can not surpass their standard? If only you can discover yourself and develop on your self esteem. Be one that can make critical decisions for himself and won't change that decision for anything as long as the end product of that decision will benefit you at the long run. Rely on yourself to succeed and not on anyone else. Learn to trust your own feelings, believe in yourself. In achieving this, you have to be patient  with yourself and be confident in your abilities.
  4. START ON A NEW SLATE: Develop your own moral conduct and practice sticking to it. Start by overcoming bad habits. In discovering yourself, you need to also know your bad habits and the fact that it can hinder you from achieving the great things you want to achieve. so let go of bad habits and start on a new clean slate.
  5. HAVE SOME QUALITY TIME WITH YOURSELF: Give yourself some time and space to get away from expectations, what we get out of life at times are not actually what we expect. Like a friend of mine would say "lets live life as it comes, so our hopes and expectations would not dashed". Take some time each day to have a long but sincere talk with yourself. Think of what you want to achieve and how to go about to in other to realize them. Avoid any form of distractions while doing this, you should be able to feel independent and self-sufficient even in your thinking.
  6. DEVELOP YOUR PASSION: Everyone has a special talent embedded in him. Try to discover yours and work towards it. You never can tell where your talent can take you too. Don't forget that you are a STAR in your own way. There is more to DISCOVERING YOURSELF, but I will pause here for now. Work on the above points and see how far you can go in knowing the actual person that you are. HAVE A WONDERFUL SUNDAY AHEAD AND DARE TO BE GREAT!!!


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